Monday, February 9, 2009

Run Like The Wind

Well I officially started my running routine today that I mentioned in a previous post.

It wasn't so bad. I definitely worked up a sweat but I wasn't dying. To me that is pretty darn great considering I have not exercised in a good 4 years!

I definitely recommend the routine that Bryn over @ Newlywedisms tried. It is definitely a great way to work up to being able to run for awhile.

Another thing that I really love about exercising is that I feel GREAT after and I have A LOT more energy throughout the day. Plus, it encourages me to drink more water than I have been.

I went all gungho last night and bought two new shirts and a pair of running pants, some new sports bras, socks and a water bottle. I also got a new pair of running shoes which J. got me for Valentine's Day. Such a sweetie I tell ya!

What I did was walk at a pretty good pace (about 3.2 on the treadmill monitor)for 10 minutes; then I ran at about 5.2 for one minute then walked at 3.2 for one minute and continued this for 10 minutes. Then I did a cool down for 5 minutes. I will do the run 1/walk 1 2 more times (Wednesday & Friday) and then next Monday I'll do run 2/walk 2 for 3 days and then just work my way up from there.

If anyone would like to join in on the challenge with me I definitely encourage you to do so! Just comment below and let me know. You can do this outside or inside on a treadmill; which is my method of choice because I'd probably trip and kill myself running outside!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i do not feel energized after working out. i feel pooped and want to sleep! but my body feels good, so i guess that's a plus, i'm trying to lose 5 lbs!!