Monday, January 12, 2009

Goals Week 2009

Welcome everyone to the first annual goals week here on He + Me = We! The purpose of this week is going to be me discussing my personal goals for each facet of my life. Since getting married I have taken on a couple of new facets, not only as a wife but as a homemaker.

So as to not bore you with a REALLY long post about all my many goals for myself this year I am going to separate them into categories for each day.

Now, I don’t like to refer to my goals as “new years resolutions” because to me it seems resolutions are made to be broken. I really do want to keep these goals and achieve them! So that is exactly what I am going to do ACHIEVE them!

Without further ado here is a list of what you will see for the next 4 days here on He + Me = We

Day 1 (Tuesday): Health & Beauty
Day 2 (Wednesday): Financial
Day 3 (Thursday): Educational
Day 4 (Friday): Household

I hope you join me for the rest of the week & I encourage each and every one of you to share your goals with me, I love to hear from my readers!

“See” you all here tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! For some reason I have a slight addiction to goals. Love to hear about yours.